BESC Library - Knowledge Resource Centre

Rules & Regulations

Library Usage

All students can use the library provided they carry their college ID card with them. No student will be allowed to enter the library room without a valid college Identity Card.

Students can use the library reading room as per section-wise timings from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, from Monday to Saturday.

Mobile phones should be switched off and students need to maintain perfect silence and order inside the library. Anybody found sleeping, talking loudly, sitting in an improper manner and violating the general rules of conduct in the library will be penalized.

Group discussions or any kind of class meetings are not allowed in the library.

Students can use the library internet as per section-wise timings (MORNING, DAY, AFTERNOON & EVENING).

Borrowing Materials

The Knowledge Resource Centre provides general access to the collection and a full range of other services, including reading material from the circulating collection. The library staff will also assist with making reservations, recall requests and locating items in the stacks.

Lending books will be issued to students from Monday to Saturday on production of their college identity card.

Students are issued seven books (depending on subject) for 28 days. If required, the student can get the book renewed for a further 21 to 28 days.

When books are issued, students should check the pages of the books and, if pages are found missing, they should report it to the librarian before leaving the counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and fined accordingly. Writing in or marking the library books in any way, tearing pages or pictures from books or defacing the books will be treated as a breach of library rules.

Books for overnight reading will be issued at a specific time as decided by the librarian and they must be returned before 9:00 am the next day.

No book or periodical can be taken out of the library unless issued for home reading.

Sub-lending of books is strictly forbidden.


SMS reminders are sent to members for overdue items, but non-receipt of reminders is no reason for returning books late.


Reading materials can be renewed if there are no reservations made by other users. Reading materials can be reissued twice for the same duration. The borrower has to bring the material physically to the library for renewal. Journals can be borrowed for 28 days and CDs and DVDs for 12 days. They cannot be renewed.


Library staff may recall a book before its due date. It is mandatory to return books when they are recalled.

Loss or Damage of Library Materials

If a borrower loses a book, he/she will have to replace it with a new edition of the same title within a week.

Vacation Issues (Puja Vacation/Summer Recess)

Students and faculty members can issue books, journals and magazines during vacations. Vacation issue will begin one week before Puja Vacation/Summer Recess and the due date for these books will be the first week or day when the college reopens.

*In all other matters concerning the Library, the decision of the Principal/Librarian will be final. All rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.